понеделник, 11 ноември 2013 г.

Children’s Ecostation “Beli Brezi” in Nature Park “VItosha”

  • Investor : Depatment of Nature park Vitosha
  • Architectс : arch.Georgi Georgiev, arch .Iliana Ignatieva
  • General contractor : Affordable Modular Construction Ltd
  • Constructor : eng.Violeta Nikolova

Children’s Ecostation “Beli Brezi” in Nature Park “VItosha” is built in 2013 according to project #BG0042 “Rebirth and preservation of traditional building technics and skills used in Bulgaria”, accomplished by Department of Nature park Vitosha in partnership with Norwegian Crafts Development – in priority field #4: “Preservation of the European cultural heritage”. The project is financed by Island, Lichtenstein and Norway through financial mechanism of the European economic area and the government budget of Republic of Bulgaria.
The building combines the functions of information, education and exhibition center, providing enclosed exhibition areas with the ability to be prepared children and student discourses about the biodiversity in the area of the Nature Park, ethnographic specificity, etc.
Inherently the project is the first of this kind and it sets the goals listed below:
  • The current building to be an exposition with demonstration of different ecologic building methods, including traditional for Bulgaria from 150-200 years ago;
  • Use of natural local building materials and low-tech labor;
  • Reproduction of old and introducing of new ecologic building technics;

In the process of designing and building were studied and applied different old building technics: stone masonry, half-timber frame constructions, block construction of uncultivated timber logs, walls made of adobe, wattle-and-daub walls, cob walls, timber beam construction with clay filling, timber shingles roof, clay render, etc. Natural building materials were used: stone, wood, unroasted earth clay and straw. There was tested building construction of timber logs with small diameter, so called “Ritlovitsi”, which are got from sanitary cleansing of the forest.

Some of the general advantages of the unroasted clay as a building material are distinguished:
  • Naturally maintenance of optimal RH in the rooms between 40% and 70%. Earth is capable of absorbing and releasing air humidity faster and in greater degree than any other material. (for example 30 times more than brick masonry)
  • Conservation of warmth because of the high thermal inertia of the walls.
  • Economy of energy and reduction of the pollution of the environment. Building with earth consumes approx. 1%-2% of the energy needed for production and transportation of the bricks or reinforced concrete.
  • Earth can be recycled many times without harmful emissions and with minimal energy cost.
  • Transportation costs are economized.
  • Material suitable for self-build. Generally the construction methods with earth are low-tech and can be performed from unprofessional.
  • Earth conserves the timber elements, which are in contact with it. This is because of the low humidity from 0.4% to 6% and the high capillarity of the material.
  • Protects against high frequency electromagnetic radiation.

Old heating systems like masonry stove (Djamal) and air under floor heating (Hypocaust) are used.

Knowledge transfer and exchange of experience in the field of traditional building technics used in Bulgaria and Norway was performed in the process of research and design.
In combination with the Museum of the Bear, Museum of Dragonfly and Museum of Owls, which are situated near, and recently finished informational alley in the area “Iglikina Poliana”, the children’s eco park provides excellent opportunities for student’s green school and contributes for extension stay of the visitors of the park when the weather conditions prevent outdoor lessons, providing suitable conditions for activities in a cozy atmosphere.

4 коментара:

Строителни материали каза...

Глината според мен е доста труден за намиране материал. Трябва да се намира близо до мястото, където ще се прави къщата. Иначе ще излезе много скъпо пренасянето му на големи разстояния.

Unknown каза...

Здравейте. Имам електронната книга и съм я изчела.Искаме да построим такава къща за нашето семейство. Площта предвидена за това е без никаква регулация и отдалечена от селото. Какъв енерго и водоренератор, бихте ни препоръчал в случаят?

Unknown каза...

Many thanks for this page, and for yoour link to our website. Could you please update this link from rammedearth.info to rammedearthconsulting.com
Many thanks,

Larysa Bohdana каза...

Приветствую всех на этом блог-форуме, я хочу рассказать вам о финансовом прорыве, который мистер Ли предлагает мне пережить, когда я голодал вместе со своим бизнесом и семьей во время пандемии covid19. Я наткнулся на мистера Ли в блоге, кто-то порекомендовал его всем, кто ищет ссуду, я был так взволнован, и у меня тоже появилась мотивация находиться в таком положении финансовой свободы, поскольку моя семья голодала, я связался с мистером Ли по поводу того, какое приложение я сказал ему история моей жизни о финансовом положении он присылает мне форму заявки, чтобы заполнить мои данные, что я и сделал после того, как он отправил мне кредитный договор, затем я отправил его своему юристу, чтобы он посмотрел и посоветовал мне, как это сделать, затем после Я подписал кредитный договор после того, как мой кредит был одобрен через несколько часов после того, как банк связался со мной для перевода средств и сборов, которые мне нужно снять на стойке банка Я снял расходы, которые я получил свой кредит на следующий день, когда я снял банковские сборы, поэтому Было действительно приятно работать с мистером Ли, и я очень благодарен ему за помощь, которую он мне оказал, которая действительно помогла моей семье от голода. свяжитесь с мистером Ли по электронной почте: 247officedept@gmail.com или поговорите с ним о том, какое приложение + 19893943740. для быстрого ответа, потому что он всегда занят, но у них есть другой профессиональный коллега, работающий с ним, но я рекомендую мистера Ли всем ищу финансовую помощь.